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100% unit BARU
Garansi quality CHECK sebelum kirim
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Garansi packing AMAN (GRATIS bublewarp/kardus)
– Ready Merk Rkc dan Siepem
– dikirim sesuai stok yg ada (spek sama)
Display: Dual display for Celsius (C)
Range: 0-400C (Only when with the factory K type thermocouple)
Thermocouple: Type K
Main Output: SSR
PID cooling/heating control
1 RELAY alarm: Normal open, capacity 250V/3A AC or 30V/3A DC
6 different Dual Output combinations with: high / low / high deviation / low deviation /interval / out of interval.
Accuracy: 0.5%
Input: Type K
Dimension: DIN: 1/16 (48mm x 48mm x 108mm/1.89"x1.89"x4.25")
Individually programmable PID control parameters.
P, I, d, controlling period, digital filter coefficient, and more
Relay control ready to connect
Compact design:
DIN 1/8 great form-factor to be included/build-in to your product.
Input: Type K
Control output: SSR
– Hanya unit controller nya (tidak termasuk SSR dan sensor)
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